On Packaging Brand Activation
This report is centered on the concept of "On Box Advertising" and its potency in capturing consumer attention. This form of advertising has been shown to significantly increase the likelihood of purchase and engagement. In the digital marketplace, where brands often only have milliseconds to capture a consumer's attention, "On Box Advertising" presents an opportunity for prolonged exposure. The provided survey serves as an initial exploration into this market, focusing on who leads such campaigns and the key elements of successful campaigns.
Key Findings:
Effectiveness of On Box Advertising: Research from Amazon highlights that On Box Advertising results in a 4.1 times greater likelihood of consumer purchase and engagement.
Objective of the Survey: The main aim of the survey is to understand the key players in On Box Advertising campaigns and to identify the components that lead to a successful campaign.
Sample Size and Demographics: The survey was conducted within a personal network, comprising approximately 33 entities. This includes brands, retail businesses, consultants, and agency companies that utilize this form of advertising technology.
Who Would Benefit Most From Reading This?
Brands and Retailers: Companies looking to enhance their consumer engagement and elevate the "first moment of truth" in the purchasing journey.
Advertising Agencies: Organizations that aim to provide innovative marketing solutions to their clients and are keen on exploring newer avenues of consumer engagement.
Consultants: Individuals or firms specializing in marketing and advertising, who can provide insights and strategies based on the findings of the survey.
New Entrants: Companies or individuals who are new to the concept of On Box Advertising and are eager to learn from the experiences and lessons of existing players in the market.